追求善vs 追求錢 - 公義, 符號與世代的聯想
那是有關教育的: 在我們這一代, 有多少父母教兒女要追求善而非錢?
所謂的追求"公義", "公平", "公正" 又是不是難免要以"錢"來衡量?
所謂的快樂, 幸福, 又是不是以錢來衡量?
在追求這些所謂的公義之前, 假如不搞清楚我們到底受著怎樣的教育薰陶, 怎樣的社會風氣的感染, 怎樣的思維模式所限制, 就走出來說要"公義", "公平", "公正", 那又會怎樣?
在連自己都不願了解清楚, 就要追求這些普世價值, 會造成怎樣的後果?
這是一種 myth. 在公平公義等的符號底下, 可以潛藏著一套截然不同的理念. 然後, 久而久之, 當這種 myth 被濫用的時候, 人人都變成了犬儒: 因為, 大家明白到這些符號只是符號的時候, 人們對於符號就失去了信任. 然後, 就只相信錢. 因為在眾多的符號當中, 只剩下"錢" 沒有被加上第二層的意義. 錢維持了最原始的狀態. 或者應該說. 錢最使被加上第二層的意義, 它,還是錢.
這大概是那麼多人沒有了任何的信念, 只相信錢的原因.
因為, 相信錢不需要勇氣, 沒有難道, 永恆不變.
然後, 在金融海嘯之後. 大家才發現, 原來錢還是可以變幻無常的.
只是醒覺於此時, 也許太晚. 因為整個社會, 如卡夫卡在中提到, 有關世代的差異時. 那條狗指出了, 上一代與這一代的分別在於, 記憶的累積. 新的一代背負著更多的記憶,亦因此有更多的負擔. 然而上一代卻沒有打破沉默, 保持沉靜, 讓一切繼續.
"...I understand the hesitation of our forefathers too, we would probably have acted just as they did; ....When our first fathers strayed they had doubtless scarecely any notion that their aberration was to be an endless one, they could still literally see the cross-roads, it seemed any easy matter to turn back whenever they pleased, and if they hesitated to turn back it was merely because they wanted to enjoy a dog's life for a little while longer; ...
They did not know what we can now guess at, contemplating the course of history: that change begins in the soul before it appears in ordinary existence, and that, when they began to enjoy a dog's life, they must already have possessed real old dogs' souls, and were by no means so near their starting-point as they thought...
But who can speak of youth at this time of day? These were the really young dogs, but their sole ambition unfortunately was to become old dogs, truly a thing which they could not fail to achieve, as all succeeding generations show, and ours, the last, most clearly of all."
這一段, 大概就是為什麼我開始明白我們都沒青春, 都沒有信念的原因.
但是那不可以作為藉口. 因為既有前人的記憶與知識為鑑, 我們作為知道更多的一代, 亦即更有準備的一代, 都不能反思, 不能打破沉默, 不能年青的話, 那是說不過去的.