
'Human Being'

In my previous note, I wrote about the trend from Being to Having, and then to Appearing.

Sounds pessimistic. Sounds like we are doomed to be in the era of Appearing, where things do not exist if they do not appear, i.e. things ,that are not seen by others, do not exist.

Well, it is not that bad. The word "human being" reveals it all.

Human (realization) , is always about Being. That is why we call ourselves 'Human Beings'.

At the point which human realization turns to Having, we are no longer 'human beings'. but a mutated species.

And from Having  we moved on to Appearing, and the quality of 'human beings' is completely lost.

In other words, in this era, we are no longer 'human being', but 'human being'-like creatures which appears to be human beings.

Appearing, or appearance is something temporary. Yet, we human beings, or the 'human beings'-like creatures, have an "ad infinitum" complex. We all are in pursuit of eternal existence, eternity. We are obsessed with infinity, forever, to the point where there is no limit.

This "Ad infinitum" complex will then drive us back to Being, because Appearing  cannot last long, and a life pursuing Appearing would be doomed to be a life of dissatisfaction.

The cycle would then be completed, when we return from Appearing to Being.

